Munich Summer Curriculum International Management + Internship


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München is one of a select few German universities, which carries the distinction of excellence. This academic distinction mandates that the Munich Summer Curriculum is a highly competitive program for motivated and focused students.

In order to apply for our summer school program, you must also start an application with UC International Programs.

MISU at LMU application:

Please prepare two documents as an pdf file before fill out the online application:

  • Statement of motivation:
    Applicants should write a one page essay about why they want to join the MSC program and how they will benefit from the program.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV):
    Please use the Euro Pass format if you do not have your own form.
  • Transcript:
    Please upload your last transcript that you have available. We are interested to know more about your academic career. 

Online registration:  Registration closed

Application Deadline: Fully booked

If you are not sure the program will be accepted by your home university, you are able to send your CV and Statement in advance to:

Mr Kai Wede
Munich International Summer University
LMU Muenchen
c/o Office International Office
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
